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Messengers - Folk Session

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Alter Preis 17,70 €

Preis zzgl. Versand

'Folklore Session' - very rare german Folkrock, pre Kraut - classics (House of the Rising Sun, Blowing in the Wind) and own compositions - LP 1969

Weitere Produktinformationen

Plattenzustand VG
Cover Zustand VG
Format LP
  • 1st Pressing
Land, Jahr & Label D 1969 Fontana Spezial (701710WPY)
Beschreibung vinyl with few surface scratches and many hairlines, plays through in mostly vg+ / sleeve bent, ring+edge+spinewear

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: VINYL ALBUM (LP), ROCK & POP, Folk/Folkrock/Acoustic, Krautrock/Space/Cosmic Sounds, Psychedelic/Acidrock
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